
How to know when you are working hard enough creatively

How do you know when you are pushing yourself enough creatively? When you stick with it until you are creating at your limits.


Threats to fine art images and re-learning to see

Fine art images invite you to meditate on the good. It is easier to improve at making them if I have a degree of calm and humility. If I could forget myself, that would be divine, but meanwhile, I can become smaller and better at noticing what .


How I am getting creatively unstuck

This is the picture that restarted it all. It is vital for me to point out that it isn’t perfect, but it marks the moment that I realized I wanted to be more intentional and consistent about taking pictures… this one rekindled the love of photography!


Turning over a new leaf

I am finally launching a public photography website after years of thought, anticipation, and sometimes trepidation, I am excited to announce Theodore Tollefson Fine Art Photography! it’s the New Year and…